Solidarity Exchange Lecture – LAB Velika Gorica – Croatia

This Friday Velika Gorica LAB will have a presentation on the Cities2030 Project and a lecture on connecting local producers with consumers on an example of Solidarity exchange.
Vicenza subscribes the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact – 27 October 2022

The Municipality of Vicenza subscribes to the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact in the occasion of the public event organised by the Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab on October 27, 2022.
Living Lab Bruges: Kitchen Chronicles: Engaging Elderly Wisdom Through the Language of Food

The primary goal of the Living Lab Bruges is to deliver healthy and sustainable meals to the elderly residing in the Bruges region. This objective revolves around the significant role played by meal delivery services to both homes and community centres, accounting for approximately 1200 daily meal deliveries. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the […]
Cities 2030 Observatory 1st Release

Cities 2030 Observatory 1st release has just been issued to the public and is available at the dedicated link. It is an open knowledge repository that will be regularly updated throughout the duration of the project.
From October 5 to 7, the Cité de l’agriculture participated in SEEING LIKE A CITY

From October 5 to 7, the Cité de l’agriculture participated in SEEING LIKE A CITY // SEEING THE CITY THROUGH, organized by the European Sociological Association (ESA), at Humboldt University in Berlin. This year, the issue in the spotlight during the conference was the best articulation between two phenomena in the making of the city: […]
Trade Fair 2022 – Quart de Poblet

The trade fair serves as a vital link between the community and the thriving local businesses of Quart de Poblet, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation within the town. This annual event is a testament to the municipality’s commitment to its residents and entrepreneurs, creating an environment where both can benefit. Throughout the event, […]
Pitch event – Taste Day

Vejle Municipality / Culinary Institute by Vejle Erhverv host TASTE DAY as part of a broader effort to promote understanding of taste and nutrition in schools across Europe. This event has evolved into a national commemorative day where schools all over the country engage in taste experiments and nutrition education. The Culinary Institute at Vejle […]
CITIES2030 present at the World Ploughing Championships 2022

CITIES2030 partner South East Technological University (SETU) – Walton Institute, was present at the Irish National and World Ploughing Championships.This is Europe’s largest agricultural and outdoor event welcomed over 277,000 people across the three days.
Living Labs’ action plans for 2 years to come

Partners of 10 Living Labs and 2 special missions participated in the 3 parallel Wrap-Up sessions on 29.8.2022. 90 minutes of knowledge exchange within 20 + participants.
An all-female delegation for Cities2030 at TerraMadre in Turin

More than 12 cities and other supporting partner organizations across 4 #food2030familyprojects met on Turin for a productive knowledge sharing workshop in the “Feed the cities” dedicated area in TerraMadre.