[WORKSHOP] How to deal with food waste: Opportunities for entrepreneurs

The city of Velika Gorica, in cooperation with VG Čistoća (City cleaning services) and the Development Agency VE-GO-RA, invites you to a specialized workshop for entrepreneurs “How to deal with food waste: Opportunities for entrepreneurs” to be held on June 13, 2024. from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the location of the Entrepreneurial Incubator, Podložnica 6, Velika Gorica.
[CONFERENCE] The role of cities in reducing and preventing food waste, and how they can work together to achieve this goal – FSDs

Velika Gorica LAB promotes the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture “Food is not waste” and we call for joint action through the Voluntary Agreement, which has already been positively accepted by the City.
Digital technologies in a sustainable food system – Cities2030 project conference – North Macedonia

To explore the transformative power of digital technologies in agriculture, LAB Velika Gorica partners recently gathered at the two-day international FSD conference “Digital Technologies in Sustainable Food Systems” in North Macedonia, 14-15 November 2023.
Velika Gorica LAB at the 22nd GASTRO TUROPOLJA – Let’s transform the food system together

No Plan can be successful without the involvement, connection, and participation of all the stakeholders necessary for its implementation, so we hereby invite all representatives of food producers and processors, trade, hospitality, the scientific and academic community, local and regional self-government units, non-profit organizations and initiatives and associations and companies to participate in this much-needed initiative and sign the Agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture.
Cities2030 at the Degrowth conference in Zagreb

The conference brought together activists, artists, academics, practitioners, political representatives and the general public to explore possible ways of caring and resilience for people and the planet. The conference will cover topics such as climate justice, alternative economies and transformational climate policy.
Futuro Mediterraneo: a project from Pollica to unite youth, culture, skills, and the Mediterranean Diet

The Paideia Campus in Pollica greeted 2022 by presenting an important project that will guide this 2023: Futuro Mediterraneo. From the heart of Cilento, 200 students from various Cilento institutions gathered in Agropoli to begin outlining a multidisciplinary strategy to support 360-degree regenerative models of production, consumption, and living, starting with the crucial role of […]
First ever Food Congress held in Iceland

On November 22, 2022, Iceland’s first-ever Food Congress (Matvælaþing in Icelandic) was held in Harpa Conference Hall in Reykjavík. It was hosted by the newly formed Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and intended to bring together various stakeholders and professions working in food production, processing, and distribution as well as food-related innovation, entrepreneurship, research, […]
Let’s transform the food system TOGETHER – Become part of the solution – Food is not waste

There are a number of reasons to donate leftover food that is still safe to eat. One of the most important reasons is to help people who are in need, but you should definitely add economic savings and a positive ecological aspect, since large amounts of surplus food that end up as waste have a negative impact on the environment.
[Conference] Donating food – practice and obstacles – Agency VE-GO-RA
![[Conference] Donating food - practice and obstacles - Horizon2020 Project Cities2030 - Agency VE-GO-RA](https://cities2030.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/KONFERENCIJA-DONIRANJE-HRANE-PRAKSA-I-PREPREKE-700-×-495-mm-702-×-49-1-1024x722.png)
In order to increase the public’s awareness of the importance of this issue, and following the opening of the first social self-service in our city, we are organizing a conference where we gathered competent institutions and associations active in this area.
Velika Gorica LAB – Conference “I know what I eat – The perspective of domestic food production”

The start of November for Croatian partners in the CITIES2030 project was reserved for the conference “I know what I eat – The perspective of domestic food production”. The conference was organized by Croatian member of the European Parliament Ladislav Ilčić through two-panel discussions.