Cities2030 Final event in Marseille. 19-21 June 2024
The Cities2030 project is coming to an end and partner organizations will convene in Marseille for a 2-day event on June 19 and 20, aimed at showcasing achievements, fostering dialogue, and promoting best practices in city region food systems. This event will feature presentations, workshops, and panel discussions focusing on the promotion of Agrifood justice, democracy, and policy innovation in CRFS.
On the first day, a conference will focus on highlighting local activities spurred by the project or through successful collaborations with other initiatives, as best practices of effective approaches to cooperate for agri-food justice and democracy and policy innovation in CRFS.
On the second day, parallel sessions and an Open Discussion Room will provide opportunities for networking and informal exchanges on key topics relevant to city region food systems. These range from Capacity building serious game for CRFS key actors to demonstrations of the ICT tool developed within the project to support, in different way, the transition towards more sustainable CRFS, among others.

You can download a full program for the event HERE.
Register at the link below until June 14th (not for project partner organizations):