A workshop on Gender and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Cities2030 Labs

Cities2030 consortium partners explore ethical issues in the context of City Region Food Systems.
The Privacy Symposium Conference, Venice 17-21 April 2023

On occasion of the Privacy Symposium conference organized in Venice by the Ca’ Foscari University, in the Industry Session: Blockchain, Privacy and Use Cases, chaired on 18 April by Latif Latid of the University of Luxemburg, Ramon Alcarria of the Technical University of Madrid presented the best practice of the use of Blockchain technologies in food […]
Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab: “Climate change and future: are we ready to change?” (19 april 2023)

A public event organised by the Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab to discuss about the challenges that cities have to confront with, inclusing the key issue of food security
Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab: “PassaVIvande” event (April 15-16, 2023)

“PassaVIvande” is a 2-days public consultation and participatory planning process on food and city policies organised in April 2023 by the Cities2030 Vicenza Food Lab.
Velika Gorica Lab at the three-day program for the transformation of local food systems – Cities2030

Three-day program gathered around eighty participants from European partners to transfer the knowledge and experiences of 41 partner countries, all with the same goal of transforming the food system in their cities and regions.
The purpose of the three-day program is to encourage personal interaction between consortium members to build much-needed professional working relationships and expand and strengthen networks between CRFS and external partners.
The General Assembly & the Lab Festival in Haarlem: a successful collaboration opportunity for Cities2030 partnership

A three-day programme aimed to stimulate personal interaction between consortium members carefully designed to build professional working relations and expand and strengthen networks across city-region food systems and external partners. During the week of 22-24 February 2023, the Institute of Environmental Studies and the Municipality of Haarlem, the Cities2030 Dutch partners, hosted more than 70 […]
General Assembly & Lab Festival in Haarlem from 22-24 February

We are thrilled to announce that next week the entire consortium is gathering for the first time for a three-day event in Haarlem (The Netherland). The 3 day-program aims to stimulate personal interaction between consortium members that was missed during the first year of Cities2030, partially because of the distance between our regions and esacerbate […]
Futuro Mediterraneo: a project from Pollica to unite youth, culture, skills, and the Mediterranean Diet

The Paideia Campus in Pollica greeted 2022 by presenting an important project that will guide this 2023: Futuro Mediterraneo. From the heart of Cilento, 200 students from various Cilento institutions gathered in Agropoli to begin outlining a multidisciplinary strategy to support 360-degree regenerative models of production, consumption, and living, starting with the crucial role of […]
Clear as glass: Innovative techniques in the greenhouse

Technology and innovations in the greenhouse sector are evolving rapidly.On 9th February, you are invited to Agrotopia (Roeselare, Belgium), the largest greenhouse in Europe, for an inspiring evening. Companies and partners from across the sector will introduce innovative techniques in greenhouse cultivation, with plenty of opportunities for networking and seeing on-site set-ups of systems. This […]
First ever Food Congress held in Iceland

On November 22, 2022, Iceland’s first-ever Food Congress (Matvælaþing in Icelandic) was held in Harpa Conference Hall in Reykjavík. It was hosted by the newly formed Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and intended to bring together various stakeholders and professions working in food production, processing, and distribution as well as food-related innovation, entrepreneurship, research, […]