In the Cities2030 project, the Living Labs have explored the City Region Food System to understand it throughout. Living Labs have defined its vision 2030 and identified and analyzed the challenges.
As a result, Living Labs have co-created actionable and impactive action plans that encompass experiments, capacity-building actions, investments, and other necessary measures to make the transition aligned with the FOOD 2030 policy.
In the halfway of project Cities2030 execution, Living Labs shared and sparred with each other their action plans that they will implement during the next 24 months.
Internal Wrap-Up sessions are a safe environment for Living Labs to test their action plan, rehearse how to pitch and present their plan, learn from others, and share and test their ideas.
Partners of 10 Living Labs and 2 special missions participated in the 3 parallel Wrap-Up sessions on 29.9.2022. 90 minutes of knowledge exchange within 20 + participants.