Cities2030 Food Festival in Croatia

Day 2 and 3 of the Food Festival in Croatia, 26th and 27th of September, took place at the charming Etno Village “Novo Čiće,” filled with culinary experiences, educational workshops, and hands-on activities.
PodCast From the dyke into your ear: “The Lemon of the north- the potato/Enjoyment squared”
Interview with Corinna Brand (P15) and Linda Bömm (P16) about: What is the secret of the potatoe? Why do we call it the lemon of the north and what do the Food Council and CITIES2030 have to do with the potatoe?
Co-Creating An Experimental Marine Area in the Mediterranean area

Is it possible to connect marine science, academics, startuppers, trade associations, and international experts to expand marine research, accelerate solutions to empower regenerative fishermen, and preserve Mediterranean biodiversity? The Paideia Campus in Pollica, located in the heart of the Mediterranean area, firmly believes that the answer can be YES. The purpose behind co-creating an Experimental […]
From village to city!

With the “from village to city” activity within the project Cities2030 the Municipality of Murska Sobota wants to restore the city’s soul and revive the city market. In the past months, the city food market had an expanded offer. Every other Saturday, between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m., the market was lively, and at events […]
Les 48h de l’agriculture urbaine

For the past four years, the Cité de l’agriculture has been coordinating the 48h de l’agriculture urbaine (48 hours of urban agriculture), a weekend-long festival celebrating the return of spring, agriculture and nature in the city.